Sunday, July 14, 2013

French Fries [ 감자 튀김 ]

French Fries [ 감자 튀김 ]

Makes 2 servings
Prep 20 mins * Cook 10 mins

조리시간 약 30 분 

3 Russet Potatoes, peeled
1/2 gallon vegetable oil for frying,
Salt and Parsley Flakes


감자 3 개, 식용유, 소금

1. Cut the peeled potatoes evenly into French fries.

껍질을 벗긴 감자를 적당한 크기로 잘라준다.

2. Remove starch in potatoes by soaking in cold water for 5 minutes
*This will remove excess starch from the potato and ensure its crispy texture.

감자를 5분정도 정도 찬 물에 담가 전분을 제거한다. 
(전분을 제거한후 튀기면 더욱 바삭바삭한 튀김이 될 수 있다.)

3. Heat the oil in a large pot over medium low heat until 
the temperature reaches about 250 degrees F.

냄비에 기름을 넣고 약한 불에서 달궈 준다.

4. Drain the water from the potatoes and pat dry with a paper towel.

물에서 건진 감자를 종이 타올을 이용하여 물기를 닦아준다.

5. Add the potatoes in small batches and stir to avoid clumping together.
Cook for about 3 minutes.

달궈진 기름에 3분정도 살살 저어가며 튀겨낸다. 

 6. Remove the fries from the oil and drain on paper towels; set aside.
살짝 튀긴 감자를 건져 종이 타올에 올려 기름을 빼준다.

 7. Turn the heat up to 350 degrees and fry again until fries are crisp.
기름의 온도를 180 ℃로 높여 고온에서 다시 한 번 바삭하게 튀겨 낸다.

 8. Remove from oil, place the fries on paper towels to drain
and allow to cool slightly. Season with salt and parsley flakes and serve.
감자를 건져 종이 타올에 올려 기름을 완전히 빼준 후
소금을 적당히 뿌려 담아 낸다.


Sunday, June 16, 2013

Review: Dave's Gourmet Masala Marinara Pasta Sauce

Chicken Masala Marinara

I came across a very interesting sounding sauce while I was looking for Marsala wine in the pasta sauce aisle. Yes, I knew the Marsala wine wasn't there but the worker at the whole foods strongly suggested to check out the sauce aisle cause he has SEEN IT there. So I went & found the "Masala sauce" and no, it wasn't THE Marsala that I was looking for but with the quick checking of the ingredients on the label I decided to give it a try.

As soon as I got home I couldn't help but to pop open this mysterious pasta sauce and take a taste. It tasted like... like... like a TOMATO CURRY. I had no idea what to do with it so I tried to look up a recipe online but couldn't find one. I even tried their website but they didn't have it either.

So, I just decided to treat it like a curry.

I pulled out whatever I had in my refrigerator, red and green pepper and onions, rinsed and chopped. (I had some mushrooms too but I figured I'll just save them for a real Chicken Marsala) Tossed them in the pan and sauteed until slightly cooked.

Meanwhile on a separate pan, I cooked four pieces of chicken breasts about 3 to 4 minutes on each side and poured the sauce over and also added cooked onions and peppers on top.

I stirred and let it sit for a few minutes until the sauce finished cooking. 
Then I simply poured over the rice.

I didn't add in any spices or herbs because I wanted to taste the sauce as is to see if I like it or not. The sauce, although I had to make a green chili sauce to add a little bit of a spice to it but overall, it was nice and tasty.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Soy Pickled Onions [ 양파장아찌 ]

Soy Pickled Onions [ 양파장아찌 ]

1 cup Soy sauce,
1 cup rice wine Vinegar,
1 cup Sugar,
1/2 tablespoon of lemon zest,
lemon slices,
2 White Onions,
1 red peper


양파 2개, 간장 1 컵, 식초 1 컵, 설탕 1 컵, 홍고추 1 개,
레몬 제스트 1/2 큰술, 레몬 슬라이스 2 개
1. Combine the first four ingredients in a pot and bring to a brisk boil.
냄비에 간장, 식초, 설탕, 레몬 제스트를 넣고 팔팔 끓인다.
2. Peel, wash and chop onions. Remove stem and wash red chilli pepper. Pat them dry with paper towel and put it in a jar with lemon slices.
양파와 홍고추는 깨끗이 씻어 물기를 닦는다.
양파는 알맞게 자르고, 고추는 꼭지 잘라내 레몬 슬라이스와 함께 유리병안에 담는다.
3. Pour the hot liquid into the jar to cover the onions and screw on the lids; leave to cool.

 끓인 소스를 양파위에 부어주고 뚜껑을 꽉 잠가둔다.

4. The onions will be ready in a day or two. Once opened store in the fridge.
*Chopped onions pickle much faster than whole onions.

 상온에서 이틀정도 익힌 후 냉장고에 보관한다.

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Baked Chicken Breasts with Cheese [ 구운 치즈 치킨 ]

Baked Chicken Breasts with Cheese [ 구운 치즈 치킨 ]

Makes 2 ~ 4 servings
Prep 15 mins * Cook 1 hr

조리시간 약 1 시간


1/2 cup grated Parmesan cheese (or provolone)
1 tablespoon Paprika
1 tablespoon Marjoram (or thyme)
1 tablespoon Basil
1/3 cup Bread crumb
4 boneless skinless Chicken Breast halves 
4 Slices American cheese
4 tablespoons Olive oil
Cooking spray


모짜렐라 치즈가루 1/3 컵, 파프리카 가루 1 큰술, 
마조람 혹은 타임 가루 1 큰술, 바질 가루 1 큰술, 빵가루 1/3 컵,
닭가슴살 4 쪽, 치즈 4 장, 올리브유 4 큰술,

쿠킹 스프레이

1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Coat a shallow baking dish with nonstick cooking spray.

2. Combine parmesan, paprika, marjorambasil and bread crumb in a bowl. 

빵가루에 모짜렐라 치즈가루, 파프리카 가루, 마조람 가루, 바질 가루를 섞는다.

3. Lay out 4 chicken pieces; top each with 2 slice of cheese and then top with a second  piece.

닭가슴살 2쪽 위에 치즈를 2장씩 올려주고 그 위로 나머지 닭가슴살을 올린다.

4. Rub chicken breast with olive oil and dip in the bread crumb mixture.

닭가슴살에 올리브유를 바른 후 허브를 섞은 빵가루를 입힌다.

5. Place in the baking dish and bake for about 1 hour in the preheated oven, 
until the chicken has cooked. 

175℃로 예열된 오븐에 1 시간 정도 노릇하게 구어 낸다.

6. Serve hot with creamy pasta.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Baked Mackerel [ 고등어 구이 ]

Baked Mackerel [ 고등어 구이 ]

Makes 2 servings
Prep 10 mins * Cook 25 mins
조리시간 약 25분

2 mackerel
1 lemon
2 tablespoons olive oil
2 tablespoons salt
Soy sauce or teriyaki sauce  
고등어 2마리, 레몬 1개, 올리브유 2큰술, 소금, 간장

1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees F. Coat a shallow baking dish with nonstick cooking spray; set aside.
2. Clean fish and pat dry with a paper towel.
*Here's how to gut and scale a Fish:
고등어를 손질 한 뒤 물에 깨끗하게 씻고 종이 타올을 이용하여 물기를 닦아준다.

3. Cut deep slits on each side of the fish, to help the fish cook evenly.
Sprinkle fillets with salt and fresh lemon zest.
생선 양쪽에 칼집을 낸 뒤 소금과 레몬 제스트를 골고루 뿌려 간이 배게 한다.
4. Place lemon slices on each piece and drizzle with olive oil,
then place fish in a baking dish & bake for 25 minutes or until the fish flakes easily with a fork
200℃로 예열해둔 오븐에 넣고 총 25분 정도 구어준다.

5. Serve with soy sauce or teriyaki sauce.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Tuna Tofu Cutlet [ 참치 두부까스 ]

Tuna Tofu Cutlet [ 참치 두부까스 ]

Makes 2 servings
Prep 10 mins * Cook 10 mins
조리시간 약 10분


1/2 block tofu (firm)
1 (6 ounce) can tuna, drained
1 potato, roughly chopped
1/4 carrot, roughly chopped
1/4 onion, roughly chopped
2 green onions, minced
2 tablespoons minced garlic
1 egg
1 cup bread crumb
2 tablespoons olive oil
Salt and freshly ground black pepper


두부 1/2모 (부침용), 참치 1캔, 감자 1개, 당근 1/4개, 양파 1/4개, 파 2개,
다진마늘 2큰술, 계란 1개, 빵가루 1컵, 올리브유 1큰술, 소금 후추 약간

1. Drain and smash the tofu into crumbles; set aside.

두부를 으깨서 물기를 짠다.

2. Put the potato, carrot, onion and 1 tbsp of olive oil into a food processor and blend until lightly chunky.

푸드프로세서에 감자, 당근, 양파, 올비브유를 1 큰술 넣고 살짝 돌려 다져준다.


3. Transfer the mixture to a large mixing bowl. Add drain tofu, tuna, egg, bread crumb, salt and ground black pepper and stir until the mixture attains a smooth, but thick consistency.

2를 볼에 넣어서 두부, 참치, 계란, 빵가루, 소금, 후추를 넣고 걸죽하게 반죽한다.

4. Form mixture into 4 equal-sized portions and coat each side with olive oil;
set aside.

4개로 나누어 적당한 두께와 크기로 모양을 잡은 후 올리브유를 양면에 잘 발라준다.

5. Coat a pan with olive oil; Place each cutlet into the oil and sauté on medium heat for 3-5 minutes on each side.

프라이팬에 올리브유를 두른 후 중불에서 앞뒤로 3~5분 씩 바짝 굽는다.

6. Serve with the Tonkatsu sauceo and salad.

두부까스에 돈까스 소스를 끼얹고 샐러드를 곁들여 낸다.

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Oven Baked Squid Fish Cake [ 오징어 오븐 어묵 ]

Oven Baked Squid Fish Cake [ 오징어 오븐 어묵 ]

Makes 2 servings
Prep 10 mins * Cook 20 mins
조리시간 약 20 분
3 raw baby squid, cleaned and halved
20 small shrimp, precooked or raw
1/4 carrot, roughly chopped
1/4 onion, roughly chopped
1 pine mushroom, roughly chopped
3 sesame leaf, optional
1 egg
1 cup bread crumb
2 tablespoons flour
2 tablespoons olive oil
Salt and freshly ground black pepper

조리시간 약 20 분작은 오징어 3마리, 새우 20알, 당근 1/4개, 양파 1/4개, 새송이 버섯 1개,
깻잎 3장, 계란 1개, 빵가루 1컵, 밀가루 2큰술, 올리브유 2 큰술, 소금 후추 약간

1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Coat a shallow baking dish with nonstick cooking spray.

2. Put the squid, shrimp, carrot, onion, mushroom, sesame leaf (optional) and 1 tbsp of olive oil into a food processor and blend until lightly chunky.

푸드프로세서에 오징어, 새우, 당근, 양파, 버섯, 깻잎에 올비브유를 1 큰술 넣고 살짝 돌려 다져준다.

 3. Transfer the mixture to a large mixing bowl. Add egg, bread crumb, flour, Salt and ground black pepper and stir until the mixture attains a smooth, but thick consistency.

 2를 볼에 넣어서 계란, 빵가루, 밀가루, 소금, 후추를 넣고 걸죽하게 반죽한다.

4. Form mixture into 4 equal-sized fish cakes and coat each side with olive oil and set aside.
 4개로 나누어 적당한 두께와 크기로 모양을 잡은 후 올리브유를 양면에 잘 발라준다.

5. Arrange the fish cakes on a baking dish and bake for 20 mins until crispy on the outside and heated through. 

180℃로 예열된 오븐에 20분 정도 노릇하게 구어 낸다.


 6. Serve with the tartare sauce or *honey dijon sauce and salad.

구어낸 어묵 위에 타르타르 소스 혹은 허니 디종 소스를 올려 낸다.

<- honey dijon sauce: dijon mustard 1 tbsp, dijon mustard seed 1/2 tbsp, mayonnaise 2 tbsp, honey 1/2 tbsp, and lemon juice 1 tbsp.

허니 디종 소스: 디종 머스타드 1 큰술, 마요네즈 2 큰술, 꿀 1/2 큰술, 레몬 1 큰술