Makes 2 servings
Prep 10 mins * Cook 20 mins
조리시간 약 20 분
3 raw baby squid, cleaned and halved
20 small shrimp, precooked or raw
20 small shrimp, precooked or raw
1/4 carrot, roughly chopped
1/4 onion, roughly chopped
1 pine mushroom, roughly chopped
3 sesame leaf, optional
1 egg
1 cup bread crumb
2 tablespoons flour
2 tablespoons olive oil
Salt and freshly ground black pepper
1/4 onion, roughly chopped
1 pine mushroom, roughly chopped
3 sesame leaf, optional
1 egg
1 cup bread crumb
2 tablespoons flour
2 tablespoons olive oil
Salt and freshly ground black pepper
조리시간 약 20 분작은 오징어 3마리, 새우 20알, 당근 1/4개, 양파 1/4개, 새송이 버섯 1개,
깻잎 3장, 계란 1개, 빵가루 1컵, 밀가루 2큰술, 올리브유 2 큰술, 소금 후추 약간
깻잎 3장, 계란 1개, 빵가루 1컵, 밀가루 2큰술, 올리브유 2 큰술, 소금 후추 약간
1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Coat a shallow baking dish with nonstick cooking spray.
2. Put the squid, shrimp, carrot, onion, mushroom, sesame leaf (optional) and 1 tbsp of olive oil into a food processor and blend until lightly chunky.
푸드프로세서에 오징어, 새우, 당근, 양파, 버섯, 깻잎에 올비브유를 1 큰술 넣고 살짝 돌려 다져준다.
3. Transfer the mixture to a large mixing bowl. Add egg, bread crumb, flour, Salt and ground black pepper and stir until the mixture attains a smooth, but thick consistency.
2를 볼에 넣어서 계란, 빵가루, 밀가루, 소금, 후추를 넣고 걸죽하게 반죽한다.
4. Form mixture into 4 equal-sized fish cakes and coat each side with olive oil and set aside.
180℃로 예열된 오븐에 20분 정도 노릇하게 구어 낸다.
6. Serve with the tartare sauce or *honey dijon sauce and salad.
구어낸 어묵 위에 타르타르 소스 혹은 허니 디종 소스를 올려 낸다.

허니 디종 소스: 디종 머스타드 1 큰술, 마요네즈 2 큰술, 꿀 1/2 큰술, 레몬 1 큰술